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If you've always dreamed of writing a book but don't know where to start...

Write Your First Book with Ease: A Clear 5-Day Plan to Turn Frustration Into Action and Finally Bring Your Book Idea to Life...even if you have never written before...

So You Never Have to Deal With the Overwhelm and Frustration of a Story That Remains Unwritten

Best of all...

  • You'll have an easy to follow story plan

  • You'll banish frustration and get creative fulfilment

  • You'll write a story that readers will LOVE

  • Writing will become your guilty pleasure!

And if you'll let me I'd like to show you how on this very page...

What is 'Kick Start Your Writing Journey'?

Kick Start Your Fiction Writing Journey is for writers with a head full of ideas that are keeping them awake at night… 

As a FOURTEEN times published author I know what it is like to have a story that just HAS to be told...

...and I understand the frustration of not knowing where to start and feeling unfulfilled.

Writing is a passion, a means of creative expression, a legacy. We have told stories since the beginning of time, sharing a story that you have crafted will bring a sense of achievement like no other...

...imagine a reader picking your story, your book from a shelf, devouring your words...'re unique and so is your STORY. 

You know you have the ideas, you know you want to write, and you know the hardest part is right before you start (thank you Stephen King for those words of wisdom!) but WHERE should you start....?

Well, the good news is - you CAN write and you already have the ideas to create a real page-turner..., if you’ll let me, I’d love to show you exactly how to get started in the next few minutes  … right here, right now, on this very page. 

The Welcome Bonus Ends Soon!

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Get Instant Access To The Course For £150 Just £9!  Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

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What Others Are Saying...

Just some of the 60 authors who beat procrastination the Mabel and Stanley way!

Jane Carson author of The Cactus Growers Club and member of the Mabel and Stanley Writing & Publishing Community

Trudi Smith author of The Books of Thyme and member of the Mabel and Stanley Writing & Publishing Community

Maria Culley author of There's a Nanny in MY House! and former member of the Mabel and Stanley Writing & Publishing Community

Jackie Sansom author of I am Agnes and member of the Mabel and Stanley Writing & Publishing Community

Fiona Shoults author of Croc Tales and member of the Mabel and Stanley Writing & Publishing Community

Beverley Bunn author of When Harvey met Chester and member of the Mabel and Stanley Writing & Publishing Community

There is a SIMPLE way…

Kick Start Your Writing Journey is a 5 step program designed to help you beat the overwhelm and get your ideas out of your head and onto paper in 5 days or less.

It will simplify the story planning process... that you can get on with the business of weaving your story magic...

...writing a book that you are proud of, that brings you creative fulfilment…

…even if you have work, family...LIFE…to juggle... 


By creating a plan that breaks your story into manageable steps that you can tackle one-by-one, paragraph by paragraph, chapter by chapter...

  • We’ll help you set your book goals and visions

  • ​Create a story arc that has your readers gripped

  • And finally get your story started and flowing effortlessly

  • In just 5 days or less!

Understand the crucial elements of your story...

...organise and make sense of the millions of ideas whizzing round in your head...

...create a framework that allows you to let your creativity flow...

And here’s why this is the most important thing you will ever need for your novel writing success...


Kick Start Your Fiction Writing Journey

(Video Training)

5 Easy-to-action video tutorials that walk you through the entire story planning process

INSTANT ACCESS             PRICE: £9

3 FREE Bonuses


Instant Access to FOUR LIVE Q&A sessions with me personally PLUS one month's free membership to the Mabel and Stanley Writing and Publishing Community

Expires SOON!


This membership community is an absolute treasure trove of writing resources including...

  • How to write dialogue

  • Show don't tell writing explained

  • Character profiling and development

  • How to set the perfect writing schedule

  • Overcoming writer's block

  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar

  • Writing prompts and much much more...

Writing Templates

(PDF Download)

Templates and worksheets to help you get total clarity on your ideas and story structure


Story Arc Example

(PDF Download)

Uncover the secret of the perfect story arc simply explained using a familiar tale


 Available For Instant Download

The Only Course You'll Ever Need To Kick Start Your Fiction Writing Journey

I put everything I've learned in my own 13 year writing journey, all the strategies I used myself to write and publish14 books into this course so that you can beat procrastination, learn from my mistakes, benefit from my wins, and finally WRITE YOUR BOOK!

Here’s Everything You’re Getting With Kick Start Your Fiction Writing Journey

Kick Start Your Fiction Writing Journey

(Video Training)

5 video tutorials that walk you through each stage of the story planning process

INSTANT ACCESS                                  PRICE: £9


Early Action Taker Bonus

(private group)

Access to FOUR live Q&A sessions with me personally for all your writing questions

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: £97     FREE


Writing Templates

(PDF Downloads)

Downloadable templates and worksheets designed to help you clarify your ideas and organise your thoughts

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: £27     FREE


Story Arc Example

(PDF Download)

Visual example of the perfect story arc using a familiar tale

INSTANT ACCESS                            PRICE: £17    FREE


100% Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, send an email to [email protected] and we will issue you a full refund within 24 hours back to your credit card

Here’s everything You’re Getting With  Kick Start Your Fiction Writing Journey

Kick Start Your Fiction Writing Journey

(Video Training)

5 video tutorials that walk you through each stage of the story planning process

INSTANT ACCESS                                  PRICE: £9



The chance to attend FOUR LIVE Q&A sessions with me personally PLUS one month's free membership to the Mabel and Stanley Writing and Publishing Community - the Membership Vault is full of writing resources and LIVE support opportunities designed to help you on your writing journey!

Ends Soon!

INSTANT ACCESS                            PRICE: £97     FREE


Writing Templates

(PDF Downloads)

Downloadable templates and worksheets designed to help you clarify your ideas and organise your thoughts

INSTANT ACCESS                                PRICE: £27     FREE


Story Arc Example

(PDF Download)

Visual example of the perfect story arc using a familiar tale

INSTANT ACCESS                            PRICE: £17     FREE


100% Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, send an email to [email protected] and we will issue you a full refund within 24 hours back to your credit card

How I helped 60 new and budding authors to write and publish great books, without the frustration, without the overwhelm and by making writing their most favourite guilty pleasure.

 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You'veEver Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The Women's Wealth Formula...

Dear Future Wealth Creator

From: The desk of Sarah Jolley-Jarvis

Re: Your Freedom (and why this is the only way to grow a digital business)

Surprised to discover that you can turn your expertise, hobby and passion into a 6 figure income? 

I thought you might be...

Would it surprise you even more to learn I did the same thing with two businesses...

As well as writing an international best selling book, winning numerous business awards, hosting a top downloaded podcast, all while working just 4 days a week


That’s not the whole story… 

I did all this while taking 3 years out to have a family, nursing my husband through a serious illness and still finding the time to enjoy my life long passion (riding horses)...

Am I super woman? 

No - I’m just a regular woman, like you, who’s discovered something incredible. 

Something that you’re about to discover on this very page. 

Something that will unlock the potential I know already exists inside of you. 

Would it also surprise you to learn that you can do it too — all from the information you're about to discover in this course!


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

so let me prove it to you

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of running my many years now. 

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS COURSE.

And yes, it took me time, energy and sacrifice to develop the skills needed to sell, close and scale my business
 With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive System That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Women's Wealth Formula that women from all over the world are now using to get dream clients right now (and actually enjoy doing so)…  

...In turn, growing your businesses faster than ever before…


Working fewer hours than you thought possible...   

Imagine enjoying the freedom of controlling, how and when your next dream client joins…

And the ability to work when you want, where you want and for as few hours as you choose.   

So you too can enjoying the unwavering confidence that comes with knowing you can get dream clients whenever you want them!   

...So forget the naysayers who say it’s a choice between business and family.  

The same ones who advocate a toxic “Hustle Till You Drop” mantra.   

The same people who are chronically tired, unhappy, and often struggling to make either their businesses, their home lives, or both, work.    

It’s easy to have it all, the growing business, the dream clients, the family, the guilt-free personal time, and the financial security that comes with it…    

All by flipping the switch and taking action today. 

Just Like Hayley, Who in a few months had grown her nutritional consulting business by 506%…

Soon After, Hitting 5 Figure Months For The First Time, And Then Posting A Thread In Our Private Women's Wealth Facebook Group:

The best part? It’s not just the money.

It’s the fact she now has the confidence to sell her service whenever she needs to and ONLY needs to take on perfect fit clients who are a joy to work with. 

And Hayley isn’t the only one either…

This Is Lisa, Another Women's Wealth Formula Client, Who Downloaded The Course Not Too Long Ago…

...And soon after increased her monthly revenue and consecutively had her best months back to back

Here’s a post she posted in our private FB Community (which you will have access to once you download the book)...

Here’s another Women's Wealth Formula entrepreneur who started using these strategies…

Meet, Hannah Who Made Her Investment Back x3 Off Her First Call Without Ever Dropping Her Prices (Which She Always Had to do Before)...

That's the message she sent me directly after... 

Only $3 Today

(Save $64 today)
Access The Course For $67 Just $3! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

 Available For Instant Download

Hayley, Lisa and Hannah are a group of over 1,000 Entrepreneurs who are doing Things differently and Enjoying incredible results…

And you can BET...

This Women's Wealth Formula is unlike any method you heard of before…

  • ​We don’t do the toxic ‘hustle till you’ drop  
  • We don’t ever compromise our values or our family
  • We don’t ever need to cold call or send prospecting DMs
  • ​We don’t spend 24/7 glued to our laptops or phones 
  • We don’t drop our prices to work with clients we know will be hassle
  • ​We don’t have an unpredictable income roller coaster 
  • ​We don’t feel out of control or ‘busy’ all the time   

In fact: we rarely (if ever) have to worry about needing new clients, and can always take time off, whenever we choose. 

Instead We Setup An Automated System Called The Women's Wealth Formula That Does The Hard Work For Us

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Women's Wealth Formula allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated in my business…

Feeling lost and not knowing where or how to find and attract my next client (creating a high-stress, feast or famine business model)

Working more hours than ever before, for LESS money! 

Sacrificing family time, being ON 24/7 and feeling like my phone and laptop OWN me  

Feeling like I'm somehow not good enough or ‘worthy’ of success, and comparing myself unfavorably to others

Being stuck in the permanent cycle of guilt between work and family, leaving no time for myself   

The Women's Wealth Formula Freed Me From All That, Allowing me to create Two Multi 6-figure Businesses, Working Just 4 Days Per Week

And Still Enjoying 100% Guilt-Free Family Time (Every Single Day)

Wouldn't it be great to have the same for you?

There’s a famous quote...

 "Wealth is the ability to fully experience life." —Henry David Thoreau

So with that in mind...

Here’s what my digital business looked like beforehand (and if you’ve ever run a business, then I’m sure you can relate)…
I call this the “Cycle Of Stress & Guilt”:

Step 1: You start a business to get more time and money 

  Step 2: And quickly realize you’ve never run a business before and getting clients feels really hard. 

  Step 3: It's easy to think "if only I had a nice website, branding, fancy funnel, facebook ads (or other shiny object)" the and so spends hard earned money on it 

 Step 4: New website, branding, funnel etc doesn't bring any clients, which feels confusing and disheartening 

  Step 5: Everyone says be present so you start posting 24/7 on social media for clients, tries multiple ‘strategies’ with little success. Catching yourself saying things like “Mommy's working right now” while being glued to a mobile 

  Step 6: YAY! A CLIENT... Not sure how, and sure they negotiated rock bottom prices, for an insane amount of work with unachievable expectations, but at least it's work - right? 

  Step 7: You quickly find that new client is working you all hours to deliver the work (missing more family time, and likely feeling guilty, exhausted or both) 

  Step 8: Finally the project is delivered, but there’s been no new leads coming in, the 24/7 posting has dropped off, throwing the business into a spell of uncertainty 

  Step 9: Self doubt creeps in, and we start comparing our new business with their old job and realize we were making way more money in our job (working half the hours) 

  Step 10: The feelings of guilt build, all that sacrificing family time without being further forward, self doubt and exhaustion become too much

  Step 11: The whole thing fizzles out, and tens of hours end up being completely wasted, leading nowhere

  Step 12: Start over

The “Cycle Of Stress And Guilt” not only sucked, but kept me stuck for 2 years - forcing me to earn less than $30,000 a year working 12-18 hour days

Worst still -

Constantly juggling 12 hour work days while managing (and paying for) childcare meant -

I was working my fingers to the bone with nothing to show for it -

There was literally nothing left over at the end of the month 

And I'm sure you can relate if you've ever run your own business. 

In fact the only thing left at the end of the month was a deep throbbing feeling of guilt and shame at being a bad mother and a worse entrepreneur

I hope this isn't the same for you right now - and if it is don't worry you're not alone

To be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole “entrepreneur” idea.

I mean, I could be making more money back in my cozy 9-5...

…But before I gave up and closed the doors. 

I had one last roll of the dice…

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

Still it took me 3 years to “figure out” and finally perfect it…

And I don't want you to waste time going through all that unnecessary heart-ache and trial and error. 

Now I'm at the point where both my businesses consistently generates multi-6 figures a year. 

Generating 8-10 brand new dream clients every single month...

…and in turn making me $500,000+ / year all while working the hours I choose (which for me is 10am-5pm, 4 days a week). 

And I want this for you too! 

 I Put This Entire System In A Course Called The Women's Wealth Formula

 And You Can Start Watching It In Just A Few Moments From Now… 

Only $3 Today

(Save $64 today)
Access The Course For $67 Just $3! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

 Available For Instant Download

Want to know the main difference is with The Women's Wealth Formula and The Old Toxic “hustle till you drop” way of doing things?

Dream clients come to me, instead of me going to them…

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

I went from $7000 months to $77,779 a month in my service business in just 6 months using the exact method you’re getting in this course -

And my consulting business...

We use  ‘Natural Ascension’ (major key) that seamlessly moves leads into clients…

...So you don't have to sell...

…And clients into high paying dream clients, which is easy at this point because they’re already a client.

Which naturally means...

I’ve eliminated high stress-sales calls and giving away all my best stuff for free…

And the best part...

Which Naturally Leads To...

The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with a growing business..

But it’s much more than that..

It’s Actually A Repeatable System That Can Create Wealth In Your Life, A System That Transforms Your Manifestations Into A Reality...

How many online business models have you seen come and go through the years?

Creating a course for ‘passive income’ spending weeks creating the course only to find a handful of sales and no clear method of promoting it… 


Creating a FB Group that becomes a nightmare to manage, few people join, no-one comments and the whole thing takes hours upon hours to manage and create content for… 

OR (and this is my personal ‘favorite’) 

Adding people as friends without any interaction on hundreds of social channels, DMing them a pitch, sending out 1000’s of messages only to find discover your sabotaging your own audience or worse still Facebook slaps you with a ban

All of it feels entirely unethical, it just feels icky and wrong, and it’s not aligned with your soul.

If that’s you don’t worry, it’s not your fault.

It’s the toxic work till you drop, hustle hard mentality that keeps entrepreneurs, just like you feeling like they “HAVE TO” do these things. 

… there is a better way…

Both my agency and consultancy have been alive and highly profitable for 5+ years straight.

That's 6 figure revenues yearly, all without resorting to ‘hustle hard’ tactics. 
But the best part is I try not to get too involved in my agency

The “system” and the team behind it does everything for me.

Now, speaking of longevity and the system...

I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.
Here it goes:

You don’t need to “hustle hard” to be successful. 

Now I know, I am potentially leaving on the table by showing you this.
And the other ‘gurus’ out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach.

Only $3 Today

(Save $64 today)
Access The Course For $67 Just $3! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

 Available For Instant Download

You already have everything you need For The Women's Wealth Formula work for you

The Women's Wealth Formula works naturally with our communication style creating a stress-free business system you can trust to get results. 

When you do start winning you'll like feel relief to start with (that was me) 

Relief at the new freedom, relief you belong, relief you can make this work and relief you no longer have to sacrifice your family for your business or visa versa. 

And although it might seem a long way away right now - you'll quickly to feel the unwavering confidence that comes from winning.

And wouldn't that feel great?   

The Women's Wealth Formula is so effective because it's so simple, and works in harmony with your own unique style. 

It does this beautifully in 6 easy steps...

And that’s the difference here.

When you set up your coaching or service business using this formula, clients will come to you.

Getting new clients will be effortless and easy…

…leaving you in total control… 

Finally getting to live a life of true wealth and freedom. 

Enjoying the business you always wanted. 

And loving the work you do, changing lives…

… And doing so when you want…

…Where you want…

…How you want…

…With who you want…   

What I’m saying if your goal is true wealth and freedom, high-ticket might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

High prices require prospecting, meetings, phone calls, proposals, and follow up.

Natural Ascension just requires a single 15 min chat (with the right formula)!
And that's why this is different, because it works for you and turns your coaching or service into a business.

Because I Promise You… and I Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise.

You can build a wealth business that gives you the freedom to live on your terms.

And once you start using the Women's Wealth Formula.

Getting new clients, selling your services, and full-filing your services isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.
Because work will no longer feel like work

…And having the time to ‘play’ becomes something you do daily, instead of something you remember from childhood. 

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to two weeks from today.

Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in this course.

That’s when you’ll start seeing clients roll into your wealth business…

I guarantee it.

That’s how easy this is. 

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

If Hundreds Of Women Can Do This, So Can You!

You Already Have Everything You Need Be Successful… 

You already have the power in you to follow everything you’re about to get on the Women's Wealth Formula and make it a complete success…

I know it’s there within you, and I believe in you. 

You don’t have to change or pretend to be someone you’re not 

You already have the ability to be successful even if you don’t quite believe it yourself yet. 

And that’s what's so different about all of this… 

In an industry dominated by men, complicated tech, fancy funnels, masculine acronyms and a toxic hustle till you drop culture - this is something new, fresh 

Created by women, for women. 

So you can reignite your passion and finally building the business you’ve always wanted 

The one that you quit your day job for 

The one that provide you the freedom to live life on your terms 

And the financial abundance to enjoy it stress free

…That is true wealth…

And here’s how you can find it too - 

here's what else you're going to discover in The Women's Wealth Formula

  Feel incredibly confident Building a business that works for you. Never feel overwhelmed or alone again. 

  Never again wonder where the next Client is coming from or feeling too scared to check your banking app  

  Why Women are Predispositioned to rule the Entrepreneurial space and how to do it ethically, so it fits your values 

 How to find, attract, and close ideal clients on autopilot. 

We’ll also show you how to turn your business into a machine that can feel completely in alignment and flow so that you can actually have the time to have a life and enjoy it too.

If freedom and profit from the internet is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.

And Before You Access The Women's Wealth Formula… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realise this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…
And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them. 

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you this entire course, for $3, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.  

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

In most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $50.00 in advertising costs to sell one course.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. 

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.   You're Also Getting An Advanced 90-Minute Training, Free During this training, I'll walk you through exactly what's working to get clients right now.

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Plus I’m also including these 7 amazing bonuses valued at $429

5 Day Fast Start Video Series  Get started fast and get results faster. This short video training has everything you need to create your Women's Wealth Business (plus an exciting secret bonus too)

Kickstart Coaching Call  Jump on a call with one of our Success Coaches who will give you 1-2-1 coaching getting you results faster than you ever dreamed possible.     

5 Clients In 5 Days An over-the-shoulder breakdown of how we get 5 clients in 5 days. The ultimate instant business booster.

Your Secret Superpower Discover your secret superpower and the best way to maximise your unique talents to grow a wealth business.

Women's Wealth Affirmations Sit back, relax and let your subconscious mind do all the hard work for you, with these life transforming affirmations.

Ideas To Income Strategy Calculator Discover how much you can make with the hours you want to work (and easily change your pricing model to suit).
The Women's Wealth Community Access Join hundreds in the Women's Wealth private community to see exactly how entrepreneurs are growing their businesses using this formula. 

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's ...

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $3 - you worked for that money and it counts.

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Get the course, watch the videos, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $3 and let you keep the course free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

Here’s How To Get Instant Access!

Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be watching Women's Wealth Formula in the next 2 minutes.

Only $3 Today

(Save $64 today)
Access The Course For $67 Just $3! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

 Available For Instant Download

I’ll talk to you in our private FaceBook Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you download your copy of the Women's Wealth Formula.

Until then, to your success,

P.S. Remember, Women's Wealth Formula comes with the BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, watch it, implement it, and get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $3.

Here's What's Included In The Course

  Discover How to create, build and follow your own personalized Women’s Wealth Map, a blueprint for how you’re going to achieve your own goals and the timelines for doing so. 

(All explained in video 1)…

  Discover your superpower and how to leverage it to get the most out of everything you’ve got. So you can take your best bits and unleash your inner superwoman. 

(Step-By-Step in video 2)…

  How to find and connect to the most valuable niches, so you’re focussed on working with the ones that are going to give you the most profitable return for your time invested. 

(Revealed in video 3)...

  How to use juxtaposition to cut through the social media noise and become a person of authority in your niche. Without having to be present on social media 24/7

(Explained in video 4)…

  How to rapidly grow a tribe of raving fans in as little as 10 minutes a day (even if you don’t have an audience at all right now).

(See how in video 5)…

  How to create your own Natural Ascension Offer, a low prices $2-$500 product that is a no brainer for your customers to buy without having to do hour long discovery calls, and crazy follow ups. 

(Shown in video 6)… 

  How to pull your new low paying customers into your world and build a natural connection fast, so they start chasing you to be ‘one of your clients’ 

(Explained in video 7)…

  How to build your core offer so that people find it hard to say no, and the only question is ‘when can I start’ 

(Revealed in video 8)… 

Get Instant Access To The Women's Wealth Formula

Only $3 Today

(Save $64 today)
Download The Course For $67 Just $3! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

 Available For Instant Download

What others are saying..

Clara Wilcox, Return To Work, Career & Job Search Coach

"It doesn't matter how experienced we are, we can ALWAYS learn something new... backed by some amazing resources, provides an easy-to-apply process to enable us to feel confident in our sales process. What makes it so special is the ability to help uncover YOUR version of a sales process, rather than trying to get it to change to suit someone else's blueprint." 

Orlena Ballard, Director, Confidence Coach

"This course is great whether in business a long time or are just getting a toe wet. Sarah does an amazing job of breaking it down into easy steps. Loved her advice to "stay true to yourself" because it will then attract the people you want to work with. Her stories of people she has helped are truly an inspiration." 


Only $3 Today

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Access The Course For $67 Just $3! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

 Available For Instant Download

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This course is for women who have started, or want to start, their own business. For women who believe deep in their souls that true wealth is more than just money. That true wealth is the ability to work when you want, with how you want and earn what you want doing so.

What is Women's Wealth Formula

Women's Wealth Formula is a counterintuitive approach to growing a thriving business, that allows you to build a sustainable and profitable long term business

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

This Women's Wealth Formula special offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you'd feel stupid by not ordering it if growing a business is of any interest to you. What you'll get in this special offer includes the Women's Wealth Formula Course, 5 Day Fast Start Video Series, 5 Clients In 5 Days, Women's Wealth Affirmations, Ideas Into Income Strategy Calculator, Women's Wealth Community Access and Your Secret Superpower Quiz

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

Generally, all the other stuff out there teaches people how to hustle hard and be on social media 24/7, which overwork and burnout and sacrifice. Instead we teach you how to create, build and enjoy a business that provides money, wealth and freedom.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while recording this course but for the people that want further assistance, we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the book.

Included Bonuses

5 Clients In 5 Days 

(Mini Course)

An over-the-shoulder breakdown of how we get 5 clients in 5 days. The ultimate instant business booster

INSTANT ACCESS                  PRICE: $37   FREE

Your Secret Superpower

(Interactive Quiz)

Discover your secret superpower and the best way to maximise your unique talents to grow a wealth business

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $47 FREE

YouCan! Affirmations

(MP3 Download)

Sit back, relax and let your subconscious mind do all the hard work for you, with these life transforming affirmations.

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $47 FREE

Ideas To Income Strategy Calculator 


Discover how much you can make with the hours you want to work (and easily change your pricing model to suit).

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $27 FREE

The YouCan! Community Access 

(Join Community)

Join hundreds in the Women's Wealth private community to see exactly how entrepreneurs are growing their businesses using this formula. 

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $37 FREE

5 Day Fast Start Video Series 

(Mini Course)

Get started fast and get results faster. This short video training has everything you need to create your Women's Wealth Business (plus an exciting secret bonus too)

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $37 FREE

5-Steps To Women's Wealth

Get Women's Wealth Formula

Only $3 Today

(Save $64 today)
Access The Course For $67 Just $3! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

 Available For Instant Download

Here’s Everything You’re Getting With The 

Women's Wealth Formula

Women's Wealth Formula Course

(Full Video Course)Get the entire Women's Wealth Formula system uncovered with nothing held back

INSTANT ACCESS            PRICE: $3  

Kickstart Coaching Call

(Live 1-2-1 Coaching)Jump on a call with one of our Success Coaches who will give you personliased help getting you results faster than you ever dreamed possible.


Women's Wealth Formula 

(Full Video Course)Get the entire Women's Wealth Formula system uncovered with nothing held back

INSTANT ACCESS               PRICE: $3  

Kickstart Coaching Call

(Live 1-2-1 Coaching)Jump on a call with one of our Success Coaches who will give you personalized help getting you results faster than you ever dreamed possible.


The Women's Wealth Formula

(Video Training)

The entire Women's Wealth Formula system uncovered with nothing held back 

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $3


5 Clients In 5 Days

(Video Training)

An over-the-shoulder breakdown of how we get 5 clients in 5 days. The ultimate instant business booster 

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $37     FREE


Your Secret Superpower

(Interactive Quiz)

Discover your secret superpower and the best way to maximise your unique talents to grow a wealth business

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $37     FREE


YouCan! Affirmations

(MP3 Download)

Sit back, relax and let your subconscious mind do all the hard work for you, with these life transforming affirmations 

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $27     FREE


Ideas To Income Strategy Calculator


Discover how much you can make with the hours you want to work (and easily change your pricing model to suit)

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $27     FREE


The YouCan! Community

(Community Access)

Join hundreds in the YouCan! Private Community to see exactly how other women are growing their businesses using this formula

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $37     FREE


5 Day Fast Start Video Series

(Mini Course)

Get started fast and get results faster. This short video training has everything you need to create your Women's Wealth Business

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $37     FREE


100% Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, send an email to [email protected] and we will issue you a full refund within 24 hours back to your credit card

5 Day Fast Start Video Series 

(Mini Course)Get started fast and get results faster. This short video training has everything you need to create your Women's Wealth Business


5 Clients In 5 Days

(Video Training)An over-the-shoulder breakdown of how we  get 5 clients in 5 days. The ultimate instant business booster.


Your Sectret Superpower

(Interactive Quiz)Discover your secret superpower and the best way to maximise your unique talents to grow a wealth business.


Women's Wealth Affirmations

(MP3 Download)Sit back, relax and let your subconcious mind do all the hard work for you, with these life transforming affirmations.


Ideas To Income Strategy Calculator

(Spreadsheet Download)Discover how much you can make with the hours you want to work (and easily change your pricing model to suit).


The Women's Wealth Community Access

(Join Community)Join hundreds in the Women's Wealth private community to see exactly how entrepreneurs are growing their businesses using this formula.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

This course is for women who have started, or want to start, their own business. For women who believe deep in their souls that true wealth is more than just money. That true wealth is the ability to work when you want, with how you want and earn what you want doing so.

What is Women's Wealth Formula

Women's Wealth Formula is a counterintuitive approach to growing a thriving business, that allows you to build a sustainable and profitable long term business

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

This Women's Wealth Formula special offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you'd feel stupid by not ordering it if growing a business is of any interest to you. What you'll get in this special offer includes the Women's Wealth Formula Course, 5 Day Fast Start Video Series, 5 Clients In 5 Days, Women's Wealth Affirmations, Ideas Into Income Strategy Calculator, Women's Wealth Community Access and Your Secret Superpower Quiz

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

Generally, all the other stuff out there teaches people how to hustle hard and be on social media 24/7, which overwork and burnout and sacrifice. Instead we teach you how to create, build and enjoy a business that provides money, wealth and freedom.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while recording this course but for the people that want further assistance, we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the book.

Only £150 £9 Today

(Save £141 today) Access The Course For Just £9! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

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This product is brought to you and copyrighted by Mabel & Stanley


We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or write or publish your book with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.